.. _Interacting-with-code: ===================== Interacting with code ===================== Emscripten provides numerous methods to connect and interact between JavaScript and compiled C or C++: - Call compiled **C** functions from normal JavaScript: - :ref:`Using ccall or cwrap `. - :ref:`Using direct function calls ` (faster but more complicated). - Call compiled **C++** classes from JavaScript using bindings created with: - :ref:`Embind or WebIDL-Binder` - Call JavaScript functions from **C/C++**: - :ref:`Using emscripten_run_script() `. - :ref:`Using EM_JS() ` (faster). - :ref:`Using EM_ASM() ` (faster). - :ref:`Using a C API implemented in JavaScript `. - :ref:`As function pointers from C `. - :ref:`Using the Embind val class `. - :ref:`Access compiled code memory from JavaScript `. - :ref:`Affect execution behaviour `. - :ref:`Access environment variables `. This article explains each of the methods listed above, and provides links to more detailed information. .. note:: For information on how compiled code interacts with the browser environment, see :ref:`emscripten-runtime-environment`. For file system related manners, see the :ref:`file-system-overview`. .. note:: Before you can call your code, the runtime environment may need to load a memory initialization file, preload files, or do other asynchronous operations depending on optimization and build settings. See :ref:`faq-when-safe-to-call-compiled-functions` in the FAQ. .. _interacting-with-code-ccall-cwrap: Calling compiled C functions from JavaScript using ccall/cwrap ============================================================== The easiest way to call compiled C functions from JavaScript is to use :js:func:`ccall` or :js:func:`cwrap`. :js:func:`ccall` calls a compiled C function with specified parameters and returns the result, while :js:func:`cwrap` "wraps" a compiled C function and returns a JavaScript function you can call normally. :js:func:`cwrap` is therefore more useful if you plan to call a compiled function a number of times. Consider the **tests/hello_function.cpp** file shown below. The ``int_sqrt()`` function to be compiled is wrapped in ``extern "C"`` to prevent C++ name mangling. .. include:: ../../../../../tests/hello_function.cpp :literal: To compile this code run the following command in the Emscripten home directory:: ./emcc tests/hello_function.cpp -o function.html -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS='["_int_sqrt"]' -s EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS='["ccall", "cwrap"]' ``EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS`` tells the compiler what we want to be accessible from the compiled code (everything else might be removed if it is not used), and ``EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS`` tells the compiler that we want to use the runtime functions ``ccall`` and ``cwrap`` (otherwise, it will not include them). .. note:: `EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS` affects compilation to JavaScript. If you first compile to an object file, then compile the object to JavaScript, you need that option on the second command. If you do it all together as in the example here (source straight to JavaScript) then this just works, of course. After compiling, you can call this function with :js:func:`cwrap` using the following JavaScript:: int_sqrt = Module.cwrap('int_sqrt', 'number', ['number']) int_sqrt(12) int_sqrt(28) The first parameter is the name of the function to be wrapped, the second is the return type of the function (or a JavaScript `null` value if there isn't one), and the third is an array of parameter types (which may be omitted if there are no parameters). The types are "number" (for a JavaScript number corresponding to a C integer, float, or general pointer), "string" (for a JavaScript string that corresponds to a C ``char*`` that represents a string) or "array" (for a JavaScript array or typed array that corresponds to a C array; for typed arrays, it must be a Uint8Array or Int8Array). You can run this yourself by first opening the generated page **function.html** in a web browser (nothing will happen on page load because there is no ``main()``). Open a JavaScript environment (**Control-Shift-K** on Firefox, **Control-Shift-J** on Chrome), and enter the above commands as three separate commands, pressing **Enter** after each one. You should get the results ``3`` and ``5`` — the expected output for these inputs using C++ integer mathematics. :js:func:`ccall` is similar, but receives another parameter with the parameters to pass to the function: .. code-block:: javascript // Call C from JavaScript var result = Module.ccall('int_sqrt', // name of C function 'number', // return type ['number'], // argument types [28]); // arguments // result is 5 .. note:: This example illustrates a few other points, which you should remember when using :js:func:`ccall` or :js:func:`cwrap`: - These methods can be used with compiled **C** functions — name-mangled C++ functions won't work. - We highly recommended that you *export* functions that are to be called from JavaScript: - Exporting is done at compile time. For example: ``-s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS='["_main","_other_function"]'`` exports ``main()`` and ``other_function()``. - Note that you need ``_`` at the beginning of the function names in the ``EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS`` list. - Note that ``_main`` is mentioned in that list. If you don't have it there, the compiler will eliminate it as dead code. The list of exported functions is the **entire** list that will be kept alive (unless other code was kept alive in another manner). - Emscripten does :ref:`dead code elimination ` to minimize code size — exporting ensures the functions you need aren't removed. - At higher optimisation levels (``-O2`` and above), code is minified, including function names. Exporting functions allows you to continue to access them using the original name through the global ``Module`` object. - If you want to export a JS library function (something from a ``src/library*.js`` file, for example), then in addition to ``EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS``, you need to add it to ``DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE``, as the latter will force the method to actually be included in the build. - The compiler will remove code it does not see is used, to improve code size. If you use ``ccall`` in a place it sees, like code in a ``--pre-js`` or ``--post-js``, it will just work. If you use it in a place the compiler didn't see, like another script tag on the HTML or in the JS console like we did in this tutorial, then because of optimizations and minification you should export ccall from the runtime, using ``EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS``, for example using ``-s 'EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=["ccall", "cwrap"]'``, and call it on ``Module`` (which contains everything exported, in a safe way that is not influenced by minification or optimizations). Interacting with an API written in C/C++ from NodeJS ==================================================== Say you have a C library that exposes some procedures: .. code:: c //api_example.c #include #include EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE void sayHi() { printf("Hi!\n"); } EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE int daysInWeek() { return 7; } Compile the library with emcc: .. code:: bash emcc api_example.c -o api_example.js -s MODULARIZE -s EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=['ccall'] Require the library and call its procedures from node: .. code:: javascript var factory = require('./a.out.js'); factory().then((instance) => { instance._sayHi(); // direct calling works instance.ccall("sayHi"); // using ccall etc. also work console.log(instance._daysInWeek()); // values can be returned, etc. }); The ``MODULARIZE`` option makes ``emcc`` emit code in a modular format that is easy to import and use with ``require()``: ``require()`` of the module returns a factory function that can instantiate the compiled code, returning a ``Promise`` to tell us when it is ready, and giving us the instance of the module as a parameter. (Note that we use ``ccall`` here, so we need to add it to the exported runtime methods, as before.) .. _interacting-with-code-direct-function-calls: Call compiled C/C++ code "directly" from JavaScript =================================================== Functions in the original source become JavaScript functions, so you can call them directly if you do type translations yourself — this will be faster than using :js:func:`ccall` or :js:func:`cwrap`, but a little more complicated. To call the method directly, you will need to use the full name as it appears in the generated code. This will be the same as the original C function, but with a leading ``_``. .. note:: If you use :js:func:`ccall` or :js:func:`cwrap`, you do not need to prefix function calls with ``_`` -- just use the C name. The types of the parameters you pass to functions need to make sense. Integers and floating point values can be passed as is. Pointers are simply integers in the generated code. Strings in JavaScript must be converted to pointers for compiled code -- the relevant function is :js:func:`UTF8ToString`, which given a pointer returns a JavaScript string. Converting a JavaScript string ``someString`` to a pointer can be accomplished using ``ptr = `` allocate(intArrayFromString(someString), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL) ``. .. note:: The conversion to a pointer allocates memory, which needs to be freed up via a call to ``free(ptr)`` afterwards (``_free`` in JavaScript side) There are other convenience functions for converting strings and encodings in :ref:`preamble-js`. .. _interacting-with-code-call-javascript-from-native: Calling JavaScript from C/C++ ============================= Emscripten provides two main approaches for calling JavaScript from C/C++: running the script using :c:func:`emscripten_run_script` or writing "inline JavaScript". The most direct, but slightly slower, way is to use :c:func:`emscripten_run_script`. This effectively runs the specified JavaScript code from C/C++ using ``eval()``. For example, to call the browser's ``alert()`` function with the text 'hi', you would call the following JavaScript: .. code-block:: javascript emscripten_run_script("alert('hi')"); .. note:: The function ``alert`` is present in browsers, but not in *node* or other JavaScript shells. A more generic alternative is to call `console.log`. A faster way to call JavaScript from C is to write "inline JavaScript", using :c:func:`EM_JS` or :c:func:`EM_ASM` (and related macros). EM_JS is used to declare JavaScript functions from inside a C file. The "alert" example might be written using EM_JS like:: #include EM_JS(void, call_alert, (), { alert('hello world!'); throw 'all done'; }); int main() { call_alert(); return 0; } EM_JS's implementation is essentially a shorthand for :ref:`implementing a JavaScript library`. EM_ASM is used in a similar manner to inline assembly code. The "alert" example might be written with inline JavaScript as:: #include int main() { EM_ASM( alert('hello world!'); throw 'all done'; ); return 0; } When compiled and run, Emscripten will execute the two lines of JavaScript as if they appeared directly in the generated code. The result would be an alert, followed by an exception. (Note, however, that under the hood Emscripten still does a function call even in this case, which has some amount of overhead.) You can also send values from C into JavaScript inside :c:macro:`EM_ASM`, for example:: EM_ASM({ console.log('I received: ' + $0); }, 100); This will show ``I received: 100``. You can also receive values back, for example the following will print out ``I received: 100`` and then ``101``:: int x = EM_ASM_INT({ console.log('I received: ' + $0); return $0 + 1; }, 100); printf("%d\n", x); See the :c:macro:`emscripten.h docs ` for more details. .. note:: - You need to specify if the return value is an ``int`` or a ``double`` using the appropriate macro :c:macro:`EM_ASM_INT` or :c:macro:`EM_ASM_DOUBLE`. - The input values appear as ``$0``, ``$1``, etc. - ``return`` is used to provide the value sent from JavaScript back to C. - See how ``{`` and ``}`` are used here to enclose the code. This is necessary to differentiate the code from the arguments passed later, which are the input values (this is how C macros work). - When using the :c:macro:`EM_ASM` macro, ensure that you only use single quotes('). Double quotes(") will cause a syntax error that is not detected by the compiler and is only shown when looking at a JavaScript console while running the offending code. .. _implement-c-in-javascript: Implement a C API in JavaScript =============================== It is possible to implement a C API in JavaScript! This is the approach used in many of Emscripten's libraries, like SDL1 and OpenGL. You can use it to write your own APIs to call from C/C++. To do this you define the interface, decorating with ``extern`` to mark the methods in the API as external symbols. You then implement the symbols in JavaScript by simply adding their definition to `library.js`_ (by default). When compiling the C code, the compiler looks in the JavaScript libraries for relevant external symbols. By default, the implementation is added to **library.js** (and this is where you'll find parts of Emscripten's *libc*). You can put the JavaScript implementation in your own library file and add it using the :ref:`emcc option ` ``--js-library``. See `test_js_libraries`_ in **tests/test_other.py** for a complete working example, including the syntax you should use inside the JavaScript library file. As a simple example, consider the case where you have some C code like this: .. code-block:: c extern void my_js(void); int main() { my_js(); return 1; } .. note:: When using C++ you should encapsulate ``extern void my_js();`` in an ``extern "C" {}`` block to prevent C++ name mangling: .. code-block:: cpp extern "C" { extern void my_js(); } Then you can implement ``my_js`` in JavaScript by simply adding the implementation to **library.js** (or your own file). Like our other examples of calling JavaScript from C, the example below just creates a dialog box using a simple ``alert()`` function. .. code-block:: javascript my_js: function() { alert('hi'); }, If you add it to your own file, you should write something like .. code-block:: javascript mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, { my_js: function() { alert('hi'); }, }); ``mergeInto`` just copies the properties on the second parameter onto the first, so this add ``my_js`` onto ``LibraryManager.library``, the global object where all JavaScript library code should be. JavaScript limits in library files ---------------------------------- If you're not familiar with JavaScript, say if you're a C/C++ programmer and just using emscripten, then the following issues probably won't come up, but if you're an experienced JavaScript programmer you need to be aware some common JavaScript practices can not be used in certain ways in emscripten library files. To save space, by default, emscripten only includes library properties referenced from C/C++. It does this by calling ``toString`` on each used property on the JavaScript libraries that are linked in. That means that you can't use a closure directly, for example, as ``toString`` isn't compatible with that - just like when using a string to create a Web Worker, where you also can't pass a closure. (Note that this limitation is just for the values for the keys of the object passes to ``mergeInto`` in the JS library, that is, the toplevel key-value pairs are special. Interior code inside a function can have arbitrary JS, of course). To avoid this limitation of JS libraries, you can put code in another file using the ``--pre-js`` or ``--post-js`` options, which allow arbitrary normal JS, and it is included and optimized with the rest of the output. That is the recommended approach for most cases. Another option is another ``