Emscripten -
Compiling LLVM
bitcode to
JavaScript (?!)

Alon Zakai (Mozilla)


JavaScript..? At the LLVM developer's conference..?

Everything compiles into LLVM bitcode

The web is everywhere, and runs JavaScript

Compiling LLVM bitcode to JavaScript lets us run ~ everything, everywhere

Everything compiles into LLVM bitcode

The web is everywhere, and runs JavaScript

Compiling LLVM bitcode to JavaScript lets us run ~ everything, everywhere

This works today!

Game engines like Unreal Engine 3

Programming languages like Lua

Libraries too: like Bullet

Of course, usually native builds are best

But imagine, for example, that you wrote a new feature in clang and want to let people give it a quick test

Build once to JS, and just give people a URL

(and that's not theoretical)

Ok, how does this work?

LLVM vs. JavaScript

Random (unrelated) code samples from each:

  %r = load i32* %p
  %s = shl i32 %r, 16
  %t = call i32 @calc(i32 %r, i32 %s)
  br label %next

  var x = new MyClass('name', 5).chain(function(arg) {
    if (check(arg)) doMore({ x: arg, y: [1,2,3] });
    else throw 'stop';

What could be more different? ;)

Numeric Types

i8, i16, i32, float, double


Performance Model

types and ops map ~1:1 to CPU

virtual machine (VM), just in time (JIT) compilers w/ type profiling, garbage collection, etc.

Control Flow

Functions, basic blocks & branches

Functions, ifs and loops - no goto!


Local vars have function scope

Local vars have function scope

Ironic, actually - many wish JS had block scope, like most languages...

Ok, how do we get
around these issues?

  // LLVM IR
  define i32 @func(i32* %p) {
    %r = load i32* %p
    %s = shl i32 %r, 16
    %t = call i32 @calc(i32 %r, i32 %s)
    ret i32 %t


  // JS
  function func(p) {
    var r = HEAP[p];
    return calc(r, r << 16);

Almost direct mapping in many cases

Another example:

  float array[5000]; // C++
  int main() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 5000; ++i) {
      array[i] += 1.0f;


  var g = Float32Array(5000); // JS
  function main() {
    var a = 0, b = 0;
    do {
      a = b << 2;
      g[a >> 2] = +g[a >> 2] + 1.0;
      b = b + 1 | 0;
    } while ((b | 0) < 5000);

(this "style" of code is a subset of JS called asm.js)

JS as a compilation target

JS began as a slow interpreted language

Competition ⇒ type-specializing JITs

Those are very good at statically typed code

LLVM compiled through Emscripten is exactly that, so it can be fast

Speed: More Detail

(x+1)|0     32-bit integer + in modern JS VMs

Loads in LLVM IR become reads from typed array in JS, which become reads in machine code

Emscripten's memory model is identical to LLVM's (flat C-like, aliasing, etc.), so can use all LLVM opts


(VMs and Emscripten from Oct 28th 2013, run on 64-bit linux)

Open source (MIT/LLVM)

Began in 2010

Most of the codebase is not the core compiler, but libraries + toolchain + test suite


Emscripten Compiler

Emscripten Optimizer

Compiler and optimizer written mostly in JS

Wait, that's not an LLVM backend..?

3 JS compilers, 3 designs

Mandreel: Typical LLVM backend, uses tblgen, selection DAG (like x86, ARM backends)

Duetto: Processes LLVM IR in llvm::Module (like C++ backend)

Emscripten: Processes LLVM IR in assembly

Emscripten's choice

JS is such an odd target ⇒ wanted architecture with maximal flexibility in codegen

Helped prototype & test many approaches

Downsides too

Emscripten currently must do its own legalization (are we doing it wrong? probably...)

Optimizing JS

Emscripten has 3 optimizations we found are very important for JS

Whatever the best architecture is, it should be able to implement those - let's go over them now

1. Reloop

    ; code0
    br i1 %cond, label %block0, label %block1

    ; code1
    br %label block0

Without relooping (emulated gotos):

  var label = 0;
  while (1) switch (label) {
    case 0:
      // code0
      label = cond ? 0 : 1; break;
    case 1:
      // code1
      label = 0; break;

1. Reloop

    ; code0
    br i1 %cond, label %block0, label %block1

    ; code1
    br %label block0

With relooping:

  while (1) {
    do {
      // code0
    } while (cond);
    // code1

1. Reloop

Relooping allows JS VM to optimize better, as it can understand control flow

Emscripten Relooper code is generic, written in C++, and used by other projects (e.g., Duetto)

This one seems like it could work in any architecture, in an LLVM backend or not

2. Expressionize

  var a = g(x);
  var b = a + y;
  var c = HEAP[b];
  var d = HEAP[20];
  var e = x + y + z;
  var f = h(d, e);

  FUNCTION_TABLE[HEAP[g(x) + y](h(HEAP[20], x + y + z));

2. Expressionize

Improves JIT time and execution speed: fewer variables ⇒ less stuff for JS engines to worry about

Reduces code size

3. Registerize

  var a = g(x) | 0; // integers 
  var b = a + y | 0;
  var c = HEAP[b] | 0;
  var d = +HEAP[20]; // double

  var a = g(x) | 0;
  a = a + y | 0;
  a = HEAP[a] | 0;
  var d = +HEAP[20];

3. Registerize

Looks like regalloc, but goal is different: Minimize # of total variables (in each type), not spills

JS VMs will do regalloc, only they know the actual # of registers

Benefits code size & speed like expressionize

Opts Summary

Expressionize & registerize require precise modelling of JS semantics (and order of operations is in some cases surprising!)

Is there a nice way to do these opts in an LLVM backend, or do we need a JS AST?

Questions: Should Emscripten change how it interfaces with LLVM? What would LLVM like upstreamed?


LLVM bitcode can be compiled to JavaScript and run in all browers, at high speed, in a standards-compliant way

For more info, see emscripten.org - feedback & contributions always welcome

Thank you for listening!