New Type-Based
Optimizations in the
SpiderMonkey VM

sotu.js 2014

Alon Zakai/@kripken

JavaScript VM Opts

Many kinds constantly being worked on: Object layout (hidden classes, etc.), garbage collection (generational GC, etc.), etc. etc.

Here I'll focus only on type-based optimizations

Type-based opts

Many benchmarks (most of kraken, parts of octane, etc.) test pure computation

Optimizations include type profiling, type inference, type specialization

Prominent in modern JS VMs (optimizing JITs like crankshaft, ionmonkey, etc.)

I'll discuss three areas of optimization, all of which only make sense given type information:

  • float32
  • asm.js
  • backtracking register allocator

1. float32

JavaScript numbers are 64-bit doubles, but VMs has 32-bit ints as well!

Possible due to a mathematical fact about integer and double math:

xint +int yint
int( double(xint) +double double(yint) )

Say we are adding two values known to be 32-bit ints:

xint   +  yint    ==    xint   +int  yint    ,

assuming no overflow happened

Thankfully overflow checks are cheap, but can do even better:

(xint   +  yint) | 0    ==    xint  +int  yint

We can do the same for 32-bit floats!

xf32 +f32 yf32
f32( f64(xf32) +f64 f64(yf32) )

Also -,*,/,sqrt, etc. (but not everything, e.g. not sin)

Only true because of the exact definition of IEEE754 doubles and floats (# of bits in exponent, definition of rounding, etc.)

Where are float32 values?

Typed arrays, e.g. stuff like this is common in WebGL code

  var f32 = new Float32Array(1000);
  for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
    f32[i] = f32[i] + 1;

Optimizable :)

Fragile, though - needs to be cast back to float32 immediately

  var f32 = new Float32Array(1000);
  for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
    f32[i] = 2*f32[i] + 1;

Not optimizable, and also no parallel to overflow checks that ints can use :(

Math.fround: explicitly cast a number to 32-bit float precision

  var f32 = new Float32Array(1000);
  for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
    f32[i] = Math.fround(2*f32[i]) + 1;

Optimizable :)

Parallel to |0 which as mentioned before can help optimize integer math

fround support

In ES6, already in Firefox, Safari, Chrome (behind a flag), easy to polyfill:

  Math.fround = Math.fround || (function() {
    var temp = new Float32Array(1);
    return function fround(x) {
      temp[0] = +x;
      return temp[0];


  Math.fround = Math.fround || function(x) { return x };

float32 microbenchmarks

Matrix InversionsMatrix GraphicsExponentialFFT

% speedup with float optimizations (higher is better; source)

float32 - compiled benchmarks

why is float32 faster?

Less precise, often less CPU cycles

Half the size, fewer cache misses

WebGL code often uses float32s, doing computation in float32 avoids conversions

Not yet, but possible: more registers/SIMD lanes

2. asm.js

Modern JS VMs have powerful optimizing JITs that operate on typed code

But many heuristics lie between source code and actually being fully typed and optimized

What if we made some JS code really really easy to optimize, with as few heuristics as possible?

asm.js is one way to do that

asm.js is a subset of JavaScript (not a new language, no new semantics, all 100% backwards compatible), written in a format that is extremely easy to optimize

E.g., the |0 pattern mentioned before:

  function twice(x) {
    x = x | 0;
    return x + x | 0;

No need to profile types, can be optimized ahead of time (AOT) from source

asm.js example

  function asmCode(global, env, buffer) {
    'use asm';
    var HEAP = new global.Uint8Array(buffer);

    function fib_like(x) {
      x = x|0;
      if ((x >>> 0) < 2) return HEAP[x]|0;
      return (fib_like(x-2|0)|0) + (fib_like(x-1|0)|0) | 0;

    return fib_like;

asm.js workflow

Low-level and mostly inconvenient to write by hand - primarily intended as a compiler target

Emscripten is an open source LLVM-based compiler that generates asm.js from C/C++

Can compile existing C/C++ codebases, or write new ones - fits in with the "compile-to-js" movement (CoffeeScript, etc.)

asm.js Industry Adoption

Lots of interest from the games industry: Top-tier game engines starting to support HTML5 as a compilation target, using Emscripten to emit asm.js

Unity - Replacement for their popular web plugin

Unreal Engine - HTML5 as new target platform

& many others

Unity demo

Should see stuff like this ship on the web later this year, will be interesting times!

asm.js performance

Around 1.5x slower than native (67% of native speed)

As we saw, sufficient even for AAA game engines

asm.js Opts in Firefox

AOT - full optimizing JIT always run, using full type info

AOT done in parallel, results cached

No need for bailouts, we know many corner cases are impossible, etc.

On 64-bit, can do zero-cost bounds checks using a signal handler

Implementation notes

OdinMonkey is the optimization module for asm.js in SpiderMonkey

Fairly small amount of code

Mostly just type checks and sends the results into the normal optimizing JIT

3. Backtracking

We saw that JavaScript can get very close to native performance

When you get that close, every little thing starts to become significant, even register allocation

Backtracking Register Allocator

Inspired by LLVM's Greedy Register Allocator (added in LLVM 3.0)

LLVM results: 1-2% smaller code, up to 10% faster

Takes longer to run - and regalloc is already among the slowest phases - but worth it

How it works

Use priority queue of live ranges, instead of linear scan

If no free physical register, can backtrack - undo a previous allocation, if we need it more

Split live ranges to ensure physical registers for loops and other important places

SpiderMonkey followed LLVM's progress and in fact mirrored it

Like LLVM, began with a linear scan register allocator, improved it until it became too complex, then wrote a backtracking allocator

LLVM's experience and design has been very informative!

LLVM/SpiderMonkey Differences

Heuristics for when to split, whether to spill or split, etc.

SpiderMonkey values do not always require a physical register (e.g. for snapshots), can split live ranges based on that

Perf in SpiderMonkey

Most benchmark show little or no difference. But when there is a difference, it can be large!

21% speedup on octane-zlib on x86

7% speedup on x86-64, 11% speedup on ARM (more registers anyhow)

Other benchmarks: 29% speedup on emscripten-life on x86

Backtracking status

Enabled a few weeks ago on asm.js code, where it makes the most difference (closest to native speed) and we AOT

Heuristics need tuning before enabling everywhere, as compilation is slower, hopefully soon

Topics covered:

  • float32
  • asm.js
  • backtracking register allocator
